
Friday, October 23, 2020

 Day 46: Connecticut

Home of the Boss

My first stop was Freehold, NJ. Hometown of Bruce Springsteen. I couldn’t very well drive by Michael Jackson’s house in Gary, IN and go to Graceland and not do the same to one of my favorite Artists of all time.  I found on the internet the address of the house that Springsteen lived in in high school. First picture is of that house. No signs or fan memorabilia outside, it’s just a normal duplex that is still rented out like it was when Springsteen lived there.  Freehold was nicer then I imagined in Springsteen’s stories about growing up.  From there I stopped in Asbury Park to see the Stone Pony. The Stone Pony was the venue where Springsteen and Bon Jovi got their first shots at fame.  It was a foggy day; I couldn’t even see the ocean from the boardwalk.

Interesting on the drive to Freehold I was slowed down by a lot of school busses. School busses have been an unusual site during this pandemic. I started to notice a lot of kids in uniforms walking to school. At first, I thought they must be Catholic schools, but then I noticed the girls were wearing really long skirts and then the boys were wearing wide brimmed hats. My first thought was Amish, but then it hit me, Orthodox Jews.  I also noticed they were walking in groups without masks.  Some quick research tells me that NJ requires towns to pay for bussing to religious schools if they provide bussing to public schools. It used to not be a big deal because there were a few Catholic schools, but apparently there has been a flood of Orthodox Jews moving to this area of NJ and the expense of bussing all these kids to their religious schools is becoming a hot button.  Also, I read that in New York, the Orthodox Jews have seen a big increase in the virus because they are not adhering to the social distancing guidelines.

Crossing into Connecticut, I stopped at my friend Ted’s house for lunch. Ted, of my first trips across the country fame. It was good to catch up and since he supplied me with my Connecticut beer of the day I didn’t need to go out and buy a 4 pack.

I am staying in the New London area so I can see my daughter Amanda, who goes to college here. I’m staying in Groton for the first time. I swung by the Submarine Base, the museum is closed, I read some good reviews, will have to check it out when the virus allows. Also, went by the waterfront, which is the last picture, beautiful.

Song of the Day: Father and Daughter, Paul Simon (It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her)

Podcast: How I Built This, McBride Sisters Wine (really good story about 2 sisters fining each other and starting a Winery)

Book on Tape:  Hoot

Beer of the Day: Space Coyote, Counter Weight Brewing Co.

Total Miles: 315

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe your nearing home fast 48 days goes for some of us doing nothing and then you doing so much !!
