
Sunday, October 11, 2020

 Day 34: Louisiana

My hotel in Vicksburg was right across the street from the national Military Park and I was excited to drive the battlefield road and learn and see where it all happened.  Unfortunately, the park was closed for a second day in a row, as they were still cleaning up from the storm. Vicksburg didn’t seem to be hit that hard, but there were people staying at the hotel because they lost power and a lot of utility crews staying there as well.  I did walk into the park and see a little of it.  It reminded me of Gettysburg, in that there were monuments from all of the states that had men there are placed throughout the park.  I was able to drive around the outside of the park and saw one section where a lot of the graves were.

From Vicksburg I cut east and ended up in New Orleans for the night.  I was in New Orleans in the early eighties but have not been here since 1986.  It has not seemed to change that much, the Superdome looks better, but Bourbon street looks about the same. I walked around during the afternoon, so it may be different at night, but with Covid, I don’t feel like going on and listening to music, which is the main appeal to Bourbon Street.  I did go down to the Mississippi and got a last glance at the “Big Muddy”. I really enjoyed all my chances to see the river from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, and then Memphis and down here.

Song of the Day: City of New Orleans, Arlo Guthrie

Podcast: Smartless, Dax Shepard

Book on Tape:  Finished The Reckoning (I would not recommend)

Beer of the Day: Dorado, Port Orleans Brewing

Total Miles: 230

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are not able to get into many of the places you have wanted to see....another trip?!! Glad you avoided the "weather"...We listened to Smartless on your recommendation and like Dax , thought really didn't focus on who he was before this interview.
