
Monday, October 12, 2020

 Day 35: Alabama

Sweet Home

Today in New Orleans I went to World War II Museum. I have been to other WW II museums, but one was in France, the other was in Belgium, never one in the United States.  This museum was outstanding. The museum covered both the Pacific theater and the European theater in great detail.  The highlight was a 4D movie (The 4th D was the seats shaking and rumbling) that walked you through the War from start to finish in 45 minutes. Narrated by Tom Hanks, so you can’t get any better. I spent over 2 hours there, and I could have easily doubled, really a must see.

After the museum I took a drive through the lower 9th Ward.  I was curious to see how it looks 15 years after Hurricane Katrina.  For the most part, at least where I went, it looked like it has recovered. I did see old building lots that were vacant, the only reminder was the driveway, but I did not see piles of debris or any boarded-up homes.

From there I headed east and dropped off the highway to take the scenic route along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Drove through the towns of Bay St. Louis, Biloxi and Pascagoula. Towns I usually only hear on the Weather Channel during a hurricane.  Beaches are beautiful, although dotted with Casinos.  Unfortunately, in contrast to the Mississippi Delta, at the gas station convenience store, not a mask in sight.

In Mobile Alabama for the night. Looks like a nice little city, picture below of a Navy Ship being built, a few taller buildings downtown and some stately mansions on the main drag into town. 

Song of the Day: Sweet Home Alabama, Lynyrd Skynyrd (this is the 2nd Lynyrd Skynyrd song I have referenced, I think I only know 2)

Podcast: nothing

Book on Tape:  Started White Trash, Nancy Isenberg

Beer of the Day: Gravitational Nectar, TrimTab Brewing

Total Miles: 160

1 comment:

  1. You've got just under 2 weeks left of your mission Nate. Your curiosity and patient observations seem to be holding up well. I appreciate your candid insights into our great nation. Can't remember if I mentioned this previously but I feel your trip is timely in offering an overview of our geography and culture during such a polarized and unstable time.
