
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Day 27:  Colorado


I left Winslow early and doubled back to Flagstaff so I could take the road that I would have driven between Durango and Phoenix back in college. I wanted to stop at the 4 corners monument, that I would have driven by 8 times when I was in college, without stopping. As I said yesterday, my sister is still mad I wouldn’t pull off the road for 300 yards and let her stand in all 4 states at one time.  Today, after going about 100 miles out of my way, I stopped... and it’s closed because of Covid, that is Karma.  The 4 corners monument is in the Navajo nation and they were hit hard by Covid and have taken drastic steps to halt the spread.  Gas stations are open, but only for pay at the pump, all the stores are closed on the weekend and all the fast food restaurants are drive up only and also closed on the weekend,

You are lucky if you can find a port-a-potty. Side note on that, noticed that wearing a mask makes the port-a-potty experience better, think I’ll keep one in the car, even after there is a vaccine.  The road between Flagstaff and Durango has not changed much in the last 40 years, maybe a few more passing lanes and a few more fast food restaurants in the 2 cities on the way, but other than that, it’s all the same.  Could not find the historical marker that showed where our car broke down, but it was a nice trip down memory lane.

When I got to Durango, I found all the places I used to live, walked around the college and had a good lunch downtown.  Picture below is of my first dorm, where I met the people that I am still friends with to this day, including the friend that introduced me to my wife of 33 years, so it’s a pretty important place in my life. I loved my time at college in Durango.

In general, I would say I expected more change since I was last here in 1983.  There are more name brand hotels and more brew pubs, but the basics have not changed that much.  Even the trailer park I lived in for one summer is still there, and still looks about the same.  The college seemed a lot more quiet that I remember, but I asked a student and I think it’s because of Covid.  The school has added some new buildings but I had no problem finding my way around.

Song of the Day: Rain in Durango, Guy Clark

Podcast: The Habitat: A group of 6 people are locked into a structure in Hawaii, to simulate life on Mars.

Book on Tape:  Nothing today

Beer of the Day:  I had a local Octoberfest at lunch, but in honor of my college days, it’s got to be Coors original “The Banquet Beer”

Total Miles: 380


  1. I remember coming down from Boulder to spend Thanksgiving long weekend in your dorm our freshman year and Marty joined too. Not many others there with us. Fun memory. Don’t think I’ve spent many other Thanksgiving eating out since then.
    Looks like you still owe Astrid a visit back to the 4 corners. I did get there once before I left Colorado - i just remember there was a make shift gift tent and not much more. Great reading your blog -Keep safe

  2. Yup Karma got sad that these ethnic populations are being so hard good health care and they can not social distance. That trailer you lived in that summer was "classic"...100 degrees on a summers day, I remember sunbathing between yours and the next one..maybe less than 6 feet....

  3. Nate, your posts are great, keep them coming! Christy and I are enjoying your tour around the states! - Mike

  4. I stopped at the four corners in the spring of 1979 while hitchhiking on my way to rendezvous with you at Ft Lewis from where we drove together back to the valley. I remember wanting to camp along the way but your mom insisted that we stay in hotels. Probably a wise decree on her part.
