
Saturday, September 12, 2020

 Day 5: Pennsylvania

From Poughkeepsie I headed to Hyde Park see the birthplace of Franklin Roosevelt.  The museum was closed, and it was early, but I walked the grounds a bit before heading over the Hudson river and south to West Point.  A good friend of mine, from high school, son goes to West Point and I wanted to see the grounds, unfortunately no visitors are allowed on Saturday, so I took a picture and got back on the road. From West Point I went west to Bethlehem Pennsylvania.  This is the start of my Rust Belt tour.  In Bethlehem I viewed the site of Bethlehem Steel.  The mill closed in the 1980’s and much looks like it hasn’t been touched since then.  They have developed a few buildings, made a museum out of one and made an event space, but you can still get a sense of the massive mill. Small miles today so I got to rest and do laundry at the hotel, next few days are a lot of miles.


Song of the Day: Allentown, Billy Joel

Podcast: Over the Road – today, what being a Truck Driver does to your family

Book on Tape: Started The Pioneers, David McCullough.  Today episode was appropriately the story of people from Massachusetts moving the Ohio Valley to start a settlement.

Beer of the Day: Brew Pub tonight, hoping not to end up a Yuengling, but always a back up

Total Miles 180


  1. The Pioneers is a great read.... we forget that “going West” once meant the Ohio valley... enjoy!

  2. Was Seeing Bethlehem Steel plant sad?

  3. I'm curious about the truck driver story....Will have to check out that podcast. I imagine you'll see a fair of amount of trucks during this journey :)
