
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Day 22: Oregon Columbia River Gorge. What a day. Started out from Western Washington State early, for the first 200 miles, I thought I was in the Dakota’s, very dry and very stark landscape. Stopped for gas at an unattended station because that is all there was. When I finally crossed into Oregon and turned West towards Portland, Wow! The Columbia River is amazing. I’m driving along the river on I-84 and I see tugboats pushing barges east, I can see a Burlington Northern Train heading west with a long line of freight behind it and up on the hills, windmills turning slowly. Just when I think it can’t get any better, I come around the bend and see Mt Hood in the distance with its snowcapped peak. I stopped at Hood River Park in Oregon for lunch, it’s a big wind-surfing center, the river is about a mile wide at this point. From there, I headed towards Portland, stopping to get off on Route 30 whenever possible. I wanted to stop at Multnomah falls, but it was blocked off, however I did stop at an impressive fall just before, you can see in the picture below. After skirting Portland, I headed South and West heading for the coast. Passed through an area that had just burned, forest and some structures. Finally hit the coast and followed highway 101 down to Newport. Very overcast, one person told me it was smoke from the California fires, another told me it was normal coastal fog. Unbelievable scenery. Today is my 60th Birthday. This trip was my 60th birthday present to myself and why, even with Covid I was determined to make it happen this year. It’s as good as “The Year of Nate” this was what I called the year leading up to my 50th birthday. That year I went Helicopter skiing, sky diving, hot air ballooning and went to Denmark with Mom, Amanda, John and his daughter Hanne. A really good year, but I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my 60th then this trip. Today is perfect, I guess it’s the Apex since I have hit the Pacific and now head back east. Song of the Day: Heading East, Jackson Browne Podcast: On Something, CBD – the takeaway -Mileage may very (CBD helps some people more than others, and Buyer beware, lot of claims out there that are not true) Book on Tape: Finished Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee Beer of the Day: Breakside IPA, Breakside Brewery Total Miles 475 nbsp;


  1. Happy Birthday, Nate! Christy and I are happy you are having such a great trip!

  2. Thanks for sharing your gift to yourself with all of us... Thoughtful and generous as always
