
Saturday, September 26, 2020

 Day 19: Wyoming


Who knew that Yellowstone had its own Grand Canyon? Not me.  The only other time I have been to Yellowstone is with my brother John.  We were on a ski trip to Big Sky Montana in 2014 and took a day off from skiing and did a snowmobile tour from West Yellowstone into the park, ending at Old Faithful. It was a full day tour with some serious miles on the snowmobiles.  It was one of the best tours I have ever been on because they only allow 200 snowmobiles into the park on any one day so there were no crowds, the guide was really good and our group was small, maybe 8 snowmobiles total and  they showed us a lot of the geysers and we drove right by heards of bison, on the same road with us.

The thing that was good about today is that coming from Livingston, I drove down spectacular highway 89, where I could see snow capped mountains.  I entered the park from the North, I saw a whole different part of the park that I didn’t see on the snowmobile tour.  Included was the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, I had no idea.  I also got to see Geysers, Mammoth Hot springs, and Yellowstone lake, which is huge.

Elk and Bison everywhere.  From my time in the Black Hills I knew to expect big crowds, and indeed there were a lot of people here.  I can’t imagine what it’s like in the summer, but campgrounds with RV’s were packed.  I tried to avoid the big attractions, just too many people.  I was able to take a nice walk along the lake where I saw a pullout with no cars.  I was also smart, knowing that food would be limited in Yellowstone, I stocked up at a grocery store in Livingston and enjoyed a solitary lunch by the lake.

My friend Megan was here a few weeks ago and was worried about me not having reservations, she booked me a cabin on Yellowstone Lake.  No TV, no internet (I am going to try and send this from a hotel) and no cell service. Now I feel like John Steinbeck in Travels with Charlie, it’s great.

Song of the Day: I can still make Cheyenne, George Strait

Podcast: On Something, Medical Marijuana in Louisiana

Book on Tape:  Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee – fitting the section today was Montana and Wyoming

Beer of the Day:  Summit Dogs Double IPA, Outlaw Brewing

Total Miles 175

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