
Friday, September 18, 2020

 Day 11: Minnesota

The Mighty Mississippi.  I have crossed over the Mississippi 8 times in a car and countless times from 30,000 feet.  I was worried that my expectations for seeing it at river level would be too high.  However, just like the first time I saw the Grand Canyon, every expectation was met.  The river is big and it’s beautiful.  I’ll see it again on this trip, but today was a really good day on the river.  

I have read two books on travelling the Mississippi. Travels with Barley by Ken Wells, the author’s search for the perfect beer joint along the Mississippi, and a dive into American Beer Culture.  The other is Old Glory: A Voyage down the Mississippi by Johnathon Rabin. The Author, an Englishman, influenced by Mark Twain’s stories ventures down the river in a 16-foot boat.  Both of these books have influenced my fascination with this river.

From Madison I went west to Prairie du Chen. I found a river side park and took a walk along the river.  From there I headed north on highway 35, after an hour detour inland because of road construction, I arrived in Trempealeau, a cute little town, where I had lunch.  From there I kept heading North, still on the Wisconsin side.  I pulled over at one point to see the lock and damn system up close and was rewarded with a huge coal train heading to a power plant along the river, I wonder how long that will be economically viable?  Just as the train passed, a pleasure boat was coming into the locks and I witnessed the lock in action as the boat was quickly put in the lock and raised to the next level.

I kept heading north, crossing over the river at Red Wing Minnesota and then going south on highway 61. I think the views were even better from this side, getting huge views of the wide river.  One town I passed Lake Pepin, is apparently where water skiing was invented.  I arrived in Winona for the night, which is a nice little town founded by a riverboat captain.

Song of the Day: Proud Mary, Creedence Clearwater Revival

Podcast:  Smartless: Today Robert Downey Jr., a lot about addiction

Book on Tape: Nothing today, need to find a new one

Beer of the Day:  Saga IPA, Summit Brewing Company

Total Miles 360

1 comment:

  1. looks like a beautiful day on the Mississippi... the looks look really interesting. Have never heard of Saga IPA... hope it was a good one!
