
Friday, September 11, 2020


Day 4:  New York

From Burlington I headed South down the shores of Lake Champlain, looking to cut west to Saratoga Springs NY.  Last time I did this was 1976 or 1977, when some buddies and I went to a Beach Boys concert at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center.  Nice that our parents trusted us to drive 3 hours each way and attend a concert, we had a good time and the road brought back those memories.  

In Saratoga I stopped at the Saratoga National Historical Park, which was on the site of the 1777 battle between the British and the Colonial Militia.   The Visitor Center was closed but I was able to download a walking tour, 4 ½ miles through the fields and woods.  It was a really well-done tour and I saw only one other person out on the trail.  It was a cool and dry day, perfect for a history walk.

From Saratoga I headed south to see where the Woodstock Music Festival took place.  Turns out it is not in Woodstock NY, but Bethel , and I learned why that was, but really cool to be at the spot where the music festive took place.  A really good museum was open with a few good short films and exhibitions about the festival and what was going on in this country during the 60’s.

Something I am learning about this trip, and it will be no surprise to my family and work colleagues that I have travelled with.  I tend to underestimate time and distance.  When I put together the miles in “The Plan” section of this blog, I did hotel city to hotel city.  I did not factor in all my side trips.  My miles so far have been significantly more than I planned, but that is ok.  The beauty of the 48 sates in 48 days is I have all the time in the day to get where I am going.  More important that I see what I want and get there when I get there.

Song of the Day: I listened to Woodstock 1969 on Spotify from Saratoga to Bethel, about 5 miles out, Janis Joplin’s Me and Bobbie McGee came on, so that is my song of the day.

Podcast: Over the Road – today, how and why do people become truckers

Book on Tape: Finished The Johnstown Flood today

Beer of the Day: Brew pub in Poughkeepsie, Black Dragon (a Stout /IPA blend) Mill House Brewing

Total Miles 350


  1. So fun to talk with you today while you were discovering the "Woodstock" museum....I now want to go there to see on...and like mom would say "it's just around the corner"...

  2. Nate you underestimate the time? Never.....,

  3. Liking your choices of side trips along the way... Ft. Ticonderoga is a great spot... visited many years ago, but missed out on the long walk... sounds really interesting. I was in the Woodstock generation, but missed out on the event.... just as well... love the music but not a fan of rain and mud. Good luck on the road today.. Greg

  4. Great 🚌! Really seeing some neat things. Caprice

  5. I'm enjoying your insights Nate. Your reporting is a timely reminder that we are a country with a diverse shared heritage to be proud of.

    I didn't realize Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters bus was enshrined at the Woodstock Museum. Part of the reason was I didn't realize there is a Woodstock Museum. Interesting irony, that line Back to the Garden on the museum sign was written by Joni Mitchell about the Woodstock event but she didn't attend.
