
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 Day 2 New Hampshire:

Starting in Bangor I headed to Dover-Foxcroft Maine. The last time I was in Bangor was November 1986. I worked for a company that financed car dealers. I spent the night in Bangor and headed to Dover-Foxcroft the next morning.  It was on this stretch of highway that I remember deciding I was going to ask my girlfriend, Michele, if she would marry me. Our 33rd anniversary is next month, so this highway was good to me and deserved another drive.

From Dover-Foxcroft I headed to Dixville Notch NH, just to see the place famous for being the first in the nation to vote.  I found the hotel, that used to serve as the polling place, it’s closed now, not sure where they will vote this year, it’s probably lost its significance with mail in voting and early in person voting, but I still wanted to see the notch.

Next I climbed Mt Washington, ok my car climbed the first 8 miles, put I handled the last 100 yards. I got lucky with a perfect day, unbelievable views and 65-degree weather on the summit. Overnight in North Conway, which is unbelievably busy.  I tried a number of restaurants that were too busy to do take out, one that was closed with a sign saying they couldn’t find enough staff.  Long waits at the others I tried.  I am guessing that North Conway is seeing an influx of people that have decided to work from their second homes.  I think there also must be a labor shortage here, when I checked in to the hotel and went to my room, I found a room that had not been cleaned, it took an hour for me to get in.

Song of the Day: Heavenly Day Patti Griffin (I played on the way down Mt Washington)

Podcast: Over the Road – today some tips to get along with the Big Rigs on the Highway – think I am going to need these when I leave New England

Book on Tape: The Johnstown Flood, David McCullough – He is a great writer, I have to find a way to get to Johnstown on my Pennsylvania swing

Beer of the Day: Moat, Mountain Brewing Mount Washington Valley

Total Miles 290