
Saturday, July 30, 2022

 Day 6 Wawa to Toronto:

Will be a short post today, I made it to Toronto where I plan to see friends for dinner.  Left Wawa before 6, grabbed breakfast at Tm Horton's and stopped to take a picture of the famous Wawa Goose (see below). Not long after I left Wawa, I saw a huge Moose, that had just crossed the road. No picture, but the owner of a gas station down the road told me that if I had hit the moose driving, it wold take the top of my car right off.

Other pictures from today are more of the views of Lake Superior, views were even better today than yesterday. One other interesting note, saw flags today at a gas stations with a feather and "Every Child Matters" I understand this is in reference to the mistreatment of the indigenous children, that the Pope was here to apologize about earlier this week.

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