
Monday, August 1, 2022

 Day 7: Toronto to Ottawa: I think I saw more cars in my 18 hours in Toronto, then I saw all week. Soon after leaving Toronto, the highway traffic eases up and it's gentle farmland as I headed east. One of my guide books suggested I get off the major highway in Kingston Ontario and head north along route 15. Drive was nice, got a few glimpses of a lake along the way. 

You wouldn't know you are approaching the capital of Canada as it is pretty uncrowded and unspoiled almost all the way until you get downtown. I stopped and met up with my college roommate (all 4 years) who lives in Ottawa. He gave me a great tour of the downtown area and some of the nice parks and water views in the area.

1st picture is from downtown Toronto the night before from the roof deck of my friends in Toronto's Apartment, next picture is of Parliament in Ottawa and the 3rd is kite surfing on the Ottawa river.

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