
Monday, August 1, 2022

 Day 8 Home:

Only one picture today, made it home with no problems. Customs agent was surprised I decided to go from Colorado to Boston via Canada, but waved me through after only a few questions. I was expecting to cross the border in Vermont, where I usually pass when coming from Montreal but from some reason my GPS directed me to enter in Champlain New York and cross over to Vermont via a bridge over the lake into Swanton Vermont. I thought it was ironic that after travelling through North America, today I went a different way and saw a different town in my home state.

I know I'm biased, but the beauty of Vermont and Interstate 89 is not lost on me. Spent the rest of the day unpacking and trying to power wash the bugs off the front of my car.

My tips for travelling through Canada:

- Bring an Atlas, just using GPS will not help if you really want to know where you are, or you have no cell coverage.

-Old school guide books comes in handy for places to see. Two I used this trip and used on all my road trips since 2020 are: 1,000 Places To See Before you Die (In The United Sates and Canada) Patricia Schultz and 50 States 5000 Ideas (Includes 10 Canadian Provinces) National Geographic

- If you think you needs gas, coffee, or the bathroom you should stop. Could be a long way before the next opportunity. 

- Don't be like Nate, plan a few more days to go from Colorado to Boston via Canada. I missed out on a few sights and pushed the daily miles a little too much this trip.

- It's worth it, Canada is big and beautiful.

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