
Thursday, September 23, 2021

 Day 4: Fredericton

One of the things I couldn’t do last year on my 48 states in 48 days trip is hang out in bars and talk to people.  Last night I picked up some good information at the bar while having dinner. The first was from a guy who grew up on Prince Edward Island. When I told him I was thinking of driving to Cape Breton Island today, he said he had been there once in his life, during high school, he had a sporting event, and they drove there overnight – it was 5 or 6 hours away. The second piece of information was I learned that New Brunswick had instituted a new travel policy, and everyone had to apply to travel through the Province, this just went in effect to cut down on Covid.

On the first point of information, I confirmed the distance to Cape Breton, and quickly ruled out trying to make it there and back to New Brunswick today. It would have meant at least a 12-hour day, and something I need to keep on the list for future trips. On the second piece of information, I was able to download the form I needed, attach my vaccination record, and submit it to the Province for approval to travel today.

Now that I had extra time in Prince Edward Island, I went back over my list of things to see in PEI and decided to backtrack on some of the places I missed. I don’t think I have ever been to a more picturesque place than PEI. Everything is just stunning from the color of the houses to the boats, to the landscape and the ocean.  I was so glad that I slowed down to appreciate what was in front of me, rather than rush off to the next destination.

In Fredericton New Brunswick, I had to show my vaccination card at the hotel and at every restaurant or bar I went into. This was the law the waitress on Tuesday was talking about. The town is the Capital of the Province and a nice little city on the river.  I walked along the river and crossed over the river on a bike bath converted from a rail line.  Do you think Canadian’s are nice?  Yesterday before dinner, a guy walking down the street saw me about to put money in a meter, and he said “don’t waste your money, they don’t collect after 5” I replied that the meter said to pay until 6pm (It was 5:30) he told me “don’t worry about it, they are all union and don’t work after 5.”  today, as I was paying at another meter a women walked by and said, “there is a lot right there that’s cheaper.”

Podcast: This American Life The End of the World as We Know it – A story about a guy so caught up in Climate Change, that it destroyed his life with his family.

Song of the day: The Lighthouse Tale Nickel Creek – my cousins husband loved this song and seeing all the lighthouses today made me think of him.

Beer:  Patagonia Pale Ale: Graystone Brewing Fredericton, NB

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