
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

 Day 3: Prince Edward Island

Headed out in the dark, back tracking to where I was yesterday, the Fundy National Park.  However, this time at the park, I turned north, destination Hopewell Rocks. Hopewell Rocks are the iconic Bay of Fundy tide location.  The tide is 46 feet here. I got lucky, low tide was at 8:00 am and I arrived in time for the 9:00 am opening of the park.  My travel style is: get to where I’m going, see it, get back on the road.  In this style I arrived at the Hopewell Rocks, hiked 15 minutes to the rocks, where you descend metal stairs to the sea floor, walk around the rocks and marvel at the tidal difference, then hike back out and get going.

My destination for the day was Prince Edward Island, to get there you can now cross an eight-mile bridge, completed in 1997.  It’s really something to see, it helped that the weather was perfect today. Once across, I had to stop for a Covid Rapid test. The island has kept Covid at bay, with its ability to control who comes in. I did hear at dinner that there was a recent uptick in Covid traced to a school, so they have put back in place masks mandates.  Since I didn’t get a call about my rapid test, and my border test results came back negative (that’s 3 tests in 3 days for me) I was free to explore PEI.

Fortunately, my wife, Michele, went for a walk on Sunday with a friend who has spent a lot of time in PEI. Her husband emailed me a detailed list of a 3 hour drive I could take and get a good feel for the island. I followed the itinerary, starting with a pub in Charlottetown, where I probably had the best fish and chips ever. PEI is just amazingly beautiful, and it helps that the weather is perfect and there are not a whole lot of tourists around.

Podcast: Smartless with Ken Burns – I like his films.

Song of the day: I found on Spotify the Prince Edward Island song by Terry Hachey – old time country tune.

Beer: House Wheat Ale, Gahen House Brewery

1 comment:

  1. While in Charlottetown, you should check out Hunter's Ale House. My wife fell in love with their Poutine during our last vacation, pre-Covid
