
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

 Day 3 August 29, 2023 Jackson to Livingston, MT.

One more note about Jackson, when I was here last January the shuttle bus driver said it was even more busy in the Summer than in the Winter. When I asked her about this time of year, after most of the kids have gone back to school, she said, “it’s still busy with all the newlyweds, and the nearly dead’s” I know which category we fall into. We left Jackson, this time with Starbucks in hand and headed back into Grand Teton National Park on the way to Yellowstone. In Grand Teton we completed the drive past Jenny Lake, including a little 4-mile loop road with views from across the lake from where we hiked yesterday. From Jenny Lake we continued North to Lewis Lake and then Jackson Lake. Jackson Lake is larger and has spectacular views. Just outside of Jackson Lake, Michele spotted a black bear in a field.

We entered Yellowstone at the South Entrance and made our way to Yellowstone Lake, which is huge. I showed Michele the one room cabin I stayed in on my 48 days trip and then headed to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. When we got to the canyon, we hiked a little in each direction to get better views and pictures of the waterfall and the canyon. We made a few more stops and saw some buffalo in the distance as we headed up the east side of the park. We stopped at Tower Falls and again at Mammoth Hot springs.  Michele and I have both been here a couple of times, but today we saw stuff that we had not seen before. 

We ended the day in Livingston, MT. I stopped here on my 48 days trip and immediately liked the little town. We did notice a lot of restaurants are not open Monday and Tuesday, some only open Thursday – Sunday. We noticed this in Rock Springs as well, and it is either a sign of the season slowing down, or a worker shortage. Maybe a little of both. Livingston is a cute little town with an amazing backdrop of the mountains.

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